
See all incidents for Continental

Pet Travel Incident Details

Airline: Continental
Incident Date: Feb 27, 2007
Report Date: June 2007
Incident Type: Loss
Animal: Cat
Brachycephalic: No Definition
Animal Age: 12 months
Flight Number: 1
Originating Airport: HNL (Honolulu Intl)
Destination Airport: GUM (Guam International)
Reporting Airport: HNL (Honolulu Intl)


INCIDENT #2: Flt #1 Honolulu - Guam Cat - Male / 1 year old February 27, 2007 Breed: Dom. Short Hair Name: Milo

Owner/Guardian REDACTED

Narrative Description: Description of the Incident: Upon arrival of the flight into Guam, the agents noticed the cat’s kennel was empty. He apparently escaped his crate at or near the aircraft upon loading in Honolulu. Additionally, Continental worked closely with U.S. Fish and Wildlife to search for Milo at Honolulu Airport after he was spotted in the area. Officials set traps for Milo and reward posters were distributed throughout the airport area. A reward of up to $500 was offered for the return of the cat but attempts to capture him were unsuccessful. The owner was then flown from Guam back to Honolulu for the weekend at Continental’s expense to search for her lost cat, but she was unable to find him. To date, no additional sightings have been noted and we are officially closing the file and compensating the customer for her loss.

Description of the Cause of the Incident: The kennel door (top loading) were closed upon arrival into Guam. Apparently, the animal was able to push his way out of the crate by pushing on the kennel’s door.

Description of any corrective action taken: Local agents were coached regarding watching crates carefully as they’re loaded. All Continental policies appeared to have been followed, including the use of zip ties on the kennel’s door (which were still in place upon arrival into Guam).

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