
See all incidents for Alaska Airlines

Pet Travel Incident Details

Airline: Alaska Airlines
Incident Date: May 18, 2008
Report Date: July 2008
Incident Type: Injury
Animal: Dog
Brachycephalic: No Definition
Animal Age: Not reported
Flight Number: 571
Originating Airport: LAX (Los Angeles Intl)
Destination Airport: PDX (Portland Intl)
Reporting Airport: PDX (Portland Intl)


Incident 1 Carrier: Alaska Airlines Flight: 571 (LAX/PDX) Date of incident: Sunday, May 18, 2008 Time of incident: Approximately 11:38 P.M. (PT)

Description of animal (including name): Dog, possibly Golden Lab, (Unknown: name, sex, age of pet)

Narrative description of incident: A dog inside the kennel arriving at Portland baggage claim area was in a distressed state. Upon further inspection we discovered that the dog's gums were bleeding and then moments later the dog’s owner had discovered a tooth that the dog had lost inside kennel. The dog had some blood around its mouth and paws, also a small amount of blood splatter was found on their second kennel, which contained a cat owned by the same customer. It appeared that the dog had been chewing on kennel and scraped its gums in the process. Passenger was advised of the situation at Portland baggage claim, and offered the option to see a local veterinarian. The owner opted to wait and see a veterinarian at home in Seaside, Oregon. The customer asked the Alaska Airlines baggage agent to dispose of the Dog’s kennel since it was older and the metal door was now partially pulled into the kennel. The owner put on the dog’s leash and the now happy dog left with its owners.

Narrative description of the cause of the incident: Dog inside kennel appeared to be chewing on inside of kennel, as the dog arrived in baggage claim with gums bleeding and seemed to be distressed.

Narrative description of any corrective action taken in response to the incident: No action required.

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