
See all incidents for Horizon Air

Pet Travel Incident Details

Airline: Horizon Air
Incident Date: Nov 06, 2008
Report Date: January 2009
Incident Type: Loss
Animal: Dog
Brachycephalic: No Definition
Animal Age: 6 years 6 months
Flight Number: 2163
Originating Airport: SEA (Seattle-Tacoma Intl)
Destination Airport: PDX (Portland Intl)
Reporting Airport: PDX (Portland Intl)


Carrier: Horizon Air Flight: 2163 (SEA/PDX) Date of incident: November 6, 2008 Time of incident: Approximately 4:50 P.M. PT

Description of animal (including name): A male dog, six and half years old, Blue Heeler breed medium size weighing about 40-50lbs.

Narrative description of incident: Upon arrival into Portland, OR an employee noticed that the dog had been in it’s kennel for a while. She knew the dog had come from Anchorage, AK to Seattle, WA and then on to Portland, OR. The dog was scheduled to go on to Medford, OR. The employee opened the kennel to take him for a walk and the dog ran. The dog was missing until Monday, November 10th, 2008 when his owners found him.

Narrative description of the cause of the incident: We take preventative measures by training all ground service employees of our policy, which is not to open kennels. If a kennel is in transit as baggage with a customer and our employee’s believe the pet needs attention our policy is to locate the owners, take the kennel to baggage claim, have the owners attend to the pet, and then re-check the kennel. This employee was trained on this policy, but was trying to be helpful and kind to the dog and opened the kennel.

Narrative description of any corrective action taken in response to the incident: Coaching with the employee that opened the kennel and reviewing the policy. In addition, we reminded all employees of this policy via a bulletin sent on November 17, 2008.

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