
See all incidents for Continental

Pet Travel Incident Details

Airline: Continental
Incident Date: Jun 25, 2011
Report Date: August 2011
Incident Type: Death
Animal: Cat
Brachycephalic: No Definition
Animal Age: 5 years
Flight Number: CO 12
Originating Airport: HNL (Honolulu Intl)
Destination Airport: LAX (Los Angeles Intl)
Reporting Airport: HNL (Honolulu Intl)


CO flight #12 Honolulu to Los Angeles Cat – Dom short hair - Male /age approx 5 yrs June 25, 2011 Male / Name: “Koohi”

Owner/Guardian REDACTED


Description of the Incident: Koohi was on his way to the aircraft in Honolulu when he managed to escape his crate. It was zip tied but he still was able to push the door out enough to squeeze through the top. Koohi was found 3 days later lying deceased on airport property.

Description of the Cause of the Incident: Koohi escaped his crate and was loose within the secure area of the Honolulu Airport for three days while several people searched for him. Reward posters and live traps were used but despite our efforts, he was found deceased on airport property on day 3. A necropsy was performed and the cause of death could not be determined. The Veterinarian in charge believes that he could’ve perished from dehydration and heat exhaustion.

Description of any corrective action taken: Honolulu Vendor company was put on warning and their accepting agent was disciplined regarding the proper placement of our mandatory zip ties.

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