
See all incidents for Alaska Airlines

Pet Travel Incident Details

Airline: Alaska Airlines
Incident Date: Oct 08, 2011
Report Date: December 2011
Incident Type: Death
Animal: Cat
Brachycephalic: No Definition
Animal Age: Not reported
Flight Number: 65
Originating Airport: WRG (Wrangell)
Destination Airport: PSG (Petersburg James A Johnson)
Reporting Airport: WRG (Wrangell)


Incident 1 Carrier: Alaska Airlines Flight: 65 (Wrangell, AK to Petersburg, AK) Date of incident: October 8, 2011 Time of incident: Approximately 9:45 A.M. Alaska Time

Description of animal (including name): A male cat, unknown name, breed, or name.

Narrative description of incident: A male cat with a pre-existing medical condition was presented in poor health, for shipment to Petersburg for emergency treatment. The passenger heard back from the Petersburg Veterinarian prior to the flight’s departure and together they decided that the cat would not benefit from treatment in Petersburg. During that short period of time that the cat was in our care, it had expired. The passenger was notified of her cat’s death and she took her cat home with her.

Narrative description of the cause of the incident: A male cat with a pre-existing medical condition was presented in poor health, for shipment to Petersburg for emergency treatment. While the cat was in our care it had expired, prior to being loaded for the departing flight. There is no evidence to suggest that the airline’s handling contributed to the animal’s death.

Narrative description of any corrective action taken in response to the incident: No action required.

No photographs available

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