
See all incidents for United Airlines

Pet Travel Incident Details

Airline: United Airlines
Incident Date: Jul 01, 2014
Report Date: September 2014
Incident Type: Injury
Animal: Dog
Brachycephalic: No Definition
Animal Age: 7 years
Flight Number: UA280
Originating Airport: HNL (Honolulu Intl)
Destination Airport: MCO (Orlando Intl)
Reporting Airport: MCO (Orlando Intl)


INCIDENT #1: CARRIER: United Airlines flight UA280 DATE: July 1, 2014 ROUTING: HNL(Honolulu, HI) to SFO (San Francisco, CA) to MCO (Orlando, FL) UA AWB 016-5124-1945 Approximate Time: 0727HRS [MCO] DOG: Age 7yrs Breed: Male Husky Name: “BO”

Owner/Guardian REDACTED NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION Description of the Incident: INJURY Description of the Cause of the Incident: Shipped from HNL via SFO to MCO- Upon arrival in Florida, was unable to walk or stand. Description of any corrective action taken: None required: Pre-existing condition of arthritis believed to be aggravated by the long journey. Animal was treated at nearby vet and released to the pet owners.

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