
See all incidents for United Airlines

Pet Travel Incident Details

Airline: United Airlines
Incident Date: Aug 27, 2014
Report Date: October 2014
Incident Type: Injury
Animal: Dog
Brachycephalic: No Definition
Animal Age: Not reported
Flight Number: UA0071
Originating Airport:
Destination Airport: EWR (Newark Liberty Intl)
Reporting Airport: EWR (Newark Liberty Intl)


INCIDENT #6: CARRIER: United Airlines Flight UA0071 DATE: August 27, 2014 ROUTING: Amsterdam (AMS) to Newark, NJ (EWR) UA AWB: 016-0176-7146 Approximate Time: 0850HRS CST (ORD) DOG: Breed: Australian Collie Mix Name: Unknown

Owner/Guardian REDACTED NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION Description of the Incident: INJURY Description of the Cause of the Incident: Upon arrival at EWR, it was discovered that the dog had been chewing on the metal door of the shipping container and appeared to have suffered lacerations to its gums. Description of any corrective action taken: None Required: Injury was self-inflicted. The dog was evaluated and United Airlines provided a wooden crate with larger mesh doors to prevent further self-inflicted injury. The pet was released to its owner in good condition.

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