
See all incidents for Continental

Pet Travel Incident Details

Airline: Continental
Incident Date: Jul 30, 2006
Report Date: September 2006
Incident Type: Death
Animal: Dog
Brachycephalic: No Definition
Animal Age: 4 years
Flight Number: CO617
Originating Airport: MSY (Louis Armstrong New Orleans Intl)
Destination Airport: EWR (Newark Liberty Intl)
Reporting Airport: EWR (Newark Liberty Intl)


CO Flight #617 MSY-EWR Dog - American Bulldog Name: Madison July 30, 2006 Female, 4yrs old

Owner/Guardian REDACTED

Narrative Description:

Description of the Incident: The dog was shipped with a cat and upon arrival into Newark, the dog was deceased and the cat was fine.

Description of the Cause of the Incident: All handling appears to be within standards. The necropsy performed on the deceased dog indicated that the animal "became agitated and this led to an extreme nervous state that led to her death". The veterinarian also reported that "the lungs showed signs of hemorrhage". He stated that the animal's death was not transit related.

Description of any corrective action taken: None. The animal's death was not transit related.

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