
See all incidents for Alaska Airlines

Pet Travel Incident Details

Airline: Alaska Airlines
Incident Date: Sep 19, 2023
Report Date: November 2023
Incident Type: Injury
Animal: Dog
Brachycephalic: No Definition
Animal Age: 3 years
Flight Number: 620
Originating Airport: SEA (Seattle-Tacoma Intl)
Destination Airport: DEN (Denver Intl)
Reporting Airport: DEN (Denver Intl)


AVI Dog Injury 9/19/23

Flight 620 SEA/DEN

Breed: Border Collie

Age: 3 years

Brief Description of Incident: On arrival it was discovered that a dog traveling in the cargo compartment was injured due to unsecured cargo sliding into its kennel causing damage.

Description of the Cause of Incident: Unsecured Cargo shifted in transit.

Description of Corrective Action Taken (if any): Incident discussed on weekly safety review call with ramp leadership. Safety memo sent out to all ramp agents reviewing level loading procedures and proper securing of cargo.

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