October 2013 Airline Pet Travel Report

The October, 2013 Airline Pet Travel Report contains pet incidents for the month of August, 2013.

On American Airlines flight 2111 from Boston, MA to Washington, D.C. a male dog named Ace was found dead. American Airlines reports that the death was not due to any mishandling on their part. The dog was found dead upon arrival in Washington, D.C. on August 28, 2013

On Alaskan Airlines flight 9 from Orlando, FL to Seattle, WA, a 7 year-old, male, Rottweiler mix named Kobe died. Alaska Airlines reports that the animal was handled correctly, but discovered dead upon arrival in Seattle, WA. The Incident occurred on August 12th, 2013.

On Alaska Airlines flight 123 from Seattle, WA to Fairbanks, AK, an 8-year-old female, Bluetick Coonhound named Suki was found to have a scraped nose upon arrival in Fairbanks, AK. Alaska Airlines reports that the animal was handled correctly, the incident occurred on August 11th, 2013.

On Alaskan Airlines flight 2543 from Edmonton, BC to Seattle, WA, a dog sustained a cut in its paw. Upon arrival in Seattle, WA the owner noticed her dog was being handled roughly, a ramp agent then escorted her down to the ramp where the incident occurred, she noticed the kennel had two cracks, as well as her dog had a cut in its paw. Alaskan Airlines reports that ramps agents will be briefed on proper pet handling procedure. The incident occurred on August 11th, 2013.

Pet Travel Incidents by Airline during August, 2013.
Airline Losses Injuries Deaths
Alaska Airlines logo Alaska Airlines 0 2 1
American Airlines logo American Airlines 0 0 1
Total 0 2 2

See all incidents included in the October, 2013 report.

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Source: October 2013 Air Travel Consumer Report