November 2013 Airline Pet Travel Report

The November, 2013 Airline Pet Travel Report contains pet incidents for the month of September, 2013.

On United Airlines flight 1221 from Honolulu, HI to Los Angles, CA, a six year-old, female dog, named Suga was found dead upon arrival in Los Angles, CA. United Airlines reports that they took the dog to vet for examination after arrival in Los Angles, CA. United Airlines stated that the veterinarian determined cause of death as severe gastric and SI loop distension from air. No corrective actions were taken.

On United Airlines flight 1467 from Frankfurt, Germany to Anchorage, AK, a one year-old, male dog named Pibe was found dead upon arrival in Anchorage, AK. United Airlines reports that they took the dog to vet for examination after arrival in Anchorage, AK. United Airlines stated that the veterinarian determined cause of death was acute cardio pulmonary arrest. No corrective actions were taken.

Pet Travel Incidents by Airline during September, 2013.
Airline Losses Injuries Deaths
United Airlines logo United Airlines 0 0 2
Total 0 0 2

See all incidents included in the November, 2013 report.

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Source: November 2013 Air Travel Consumer Report