December 2013 Airline Pet Travel Report

The December, 2013 Airline Pet Travel Report contains pet incidents for the month of October, 2013.

On Alaska Airlines flight 90 from Anchorage, AK to Seattle, WA an 11 year-old Golden Retriever was found to have bloody paws upon arrival in Seattle, WA. Alaska Airlines stated that the animal was handled correctly, thus no preventive measures were taken. The injury appeared to be self-inflicted caused by the dog pawing at the kennel door.

On Alaska Airlines flight 102 from Anchorage, AK to Seattle, WA a 4 year-old Golden Retriever's kennel was found to have blood on the door and appeared to have been pulled inward. Alaska Airlines reports that the customer notified a supervisor, but would not allow him to inspect the kennel for an investigation. Alaska Airlines states that no preventive actions were taken as the injury appeared to be self-inflicted.

On Alaska Airlines Flight 895 from San Diego, CA to Honolulu, HI an 8 year-old, male, Pitbull escaped during loading. Alaska Airlines reports that the dog was quickly recovered, but again when they attempted to load him into the plane, he broke out of the kennel. At that point they called the owners and had them proceed to baggage claim to pick up the dog. Alaska Airlines reports that no mishandling was involved, so no preventive measures were taken. However, if a dog is able to escape a kennel twice, they probably should get sturdier kennels.

On United Airlines flight 0435 from Bakersfield, CA to Honolulu, HI a 16 year-old cat named Michan died during transport. United Airlines reports that the cat was handled correctly, but found dead upon arrival in Honolulu, HI. United Airlines asked the owners if they would like them to perform a necropsy, but the owners refused because of the animals senior age.

Pet Travel Incidents by Airline during October, 2013.
Airline Losses Injuries Deaths
Alaska Airlines logo Alaska Airlines 1 2 0
United Airlines logo United Airlines 0 0 1
Total 1 2 1

See all incidents included in the December, 2013 report.

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Source: December 2013 Air Travel Consumer Report