February 2008 Airline Pet Travel Report

The February, 2008 Airline Pet Travel Report contains pet incidents for the month of December, 2007.

A quiet December with Continental reporting the injury of one dog. Daisy, a 5 year-old Corgi Mix escaped its kennel and jumped from the aircraft when it landed in Houston. She was caught after a few minutes and after biting one of Continentals's employees. The dog suffered injuries to its pads and was treated by a local vet at Continental's expense. The kennel was secured by zip ties, but the airline reminded the agents in Phoenix, where the flight originated, to take additional care in securing kennels of aggressive dogs or dogs not acclimatized to their crate.

Pet Travel Incidents by Airline during December, 2007.
Airline Losses Injuries Deaths
Continental 0 1 0
Total 0 1 0

See all incidents included in the February, 2008 report.

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Source: February 2008 Air Travel Consumer Report