May 2008 Airline Pet Travel Report

The May, 2008 Airline Pet Travel Report contains pet incidents for the month of March, 2008.

Alaska Airlines reports the injury of 12 year-old dog that was dropped by a ramp agent in Seattle, WA. The dog received a cut near its eye, but did not requite a vet visit.

American Airlines reports two incidents this month. The injury of a seven year-old pit bull who was able to chew through the kennel and escape. Fortunately the dog ran inside a building and only suffered some bleeding nails. American reminded the Dallas / Fort Worth agents to secure kennels with zip ties, but it is not clear if that would have made a difference in this case.

On March 19th a cat arrived in Dallas / Fort Worth from El Paso and was reported to be fine. When it was time to be loaded on the continuation of the flight he was found to be deceased. a necropsy was performed.

Delta reported the death of a dog on a flight from Atlanta, GA to Salt Lake City, UT. The necropsy listed the cause of death as possible heatstroke. Delta performed and investigation and determined the dog was properly loaded in the cargo bin, the on board circulation system was properly working; no hazardous material was loaded on the aircraft, the kennel met ventilation requirements.

Hawaiian reported the death of a 16 year-old poodle on an overnight flight from Honolulu, HI to Phoenix, AZ. The owner stated that the dog had a pre-existing heart condition. No further information was listed.

Pet Travel Incidents by Airline during March, 2008.
Airline Losses Injuries Deaths
Alaska Airlines logo Alaska Airlines 0 1 0
American Airlines logo American Airlines 0 1 1
Delta logo Delta 0 0 1
Hawaiian Air logo Hawaiian Air 0 0 1
Total 0 2 3

See all incidents included in the May, 2008 report.

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Source: May 2008 Air Travel Consumer Report