October 2009 Airline Pet Travel Report

The October, 2009 Airline Pet Travel Report contains pet incidents for the month of August, 2009.

American Airlines reports the death of a small puppy. The puppy missed its flight from Reno, NV to Dallas, TX and was without "supplements" for several additional hours. The Shipper gives credit to the American Airlines employee who noticed the puppy was in distress and took action to attempt save it.

Continental reports the death of a 9 year-old Golden named Buddy Bear. Buddy Bear arrived deceased in Jacksonville, FL on a flight from Houston, TX. A necropsy was performed and listed previous conditions as the cause of death stating that the death was not travel related.

Delta Airlines reports the death of a 3 year-old English Bulldog named Gary. The Bulldog was found deceased upon arriving in San Francisco, CA on a flight from Atalanta, GA. The pet owner denied the request to perform a necropsy. The report states that Gary was on oral MetacamĀ® for pain. Delta's investigation indicates that temperatures in the aircraft were normal and all equipment was tested and operating normally.

Pet Travel Incidents by Airline during August, 2009.
Airline Losses Injuries Deaths
American Airlines logo American Airlines 0 0 1
Continental 0 0 1
Delta logo Delta 0 0 1
Total 0 0 3

See all incidents included in the October, 2009 report.

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Source: October 2009 Air Travel Consumer Report