July 2010 Airline Pet Travel Report

The July, 2010 Airline Pet Travel Report contains pet incidents for the month of May, 2010.

American Airlines reports the loss of a cat named Bastian during unloading in Dallas, Texas. The cat was found missing when the kennel was being loaded to a connecting flight. The cat was last seen after it was unloaded and placed on the transport cart. American indicated that the agent failed to secure the kennel door with zip ties.

Continental reports the death of a 6 year-old Pug named Pixie. Pixie arrived deceased in San Jose, Costa Rica from Houston, Texas. The report states: A necropsy is being performed at Continental’s expense and the Veterinarian has noted in the gross necropsy that Pixie had “a smaller than normal trachea and went into respiratory distress resulting in pulmonary edema and swelling to her breathing tubes”. Histopathology reports are pending at this time but the apparent cause of death does not appear to be related to the handling of Continental Airlines, but is more breed related.

Delta reports the loss of a dog named Paco during loading in Mexico City, Mexico. The kennel door was opened allowing the dog to escape. The ramp personal were unable to catch the dog and no information was given as to the cause of the kennel being opened. Posters with Paco’s picture, contact phone numbers and reward offering were distributed to the area surrounding the airport. You can read more about this incident.

Pet Travel Incidents by Airline during May, 2010.
Airline Losses Injuries Deaths
American Airlines logo American Airlines 1 0 0
Continental 0 0 1
Delta logo Delta 1 0 0
Total 2 0 1

See all incidents included in the July, 2010 report.

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Source: July 2010 Air Travel Consumer Report