February 2012 Airline Pet Travel Report

The February, 2012 Airline Pet Travel Report contains pet incidents for the month of December, 2011.

Alaska Airlines reports the loss if a nine year old cat at the Miami International Airport in Miami, FL. After TSA screening of the kennel, a ramp service agent placed the kennel in the baggage cart and transported the kennel to the aircraft. Upon arrival at the aircraft the cat was discovered to be missing from her kennel. At this time the cat has not been found.

Delta reports the death of a five year old cat on a flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Atlanta, GA. Two cats were traveling in the same kennel and one of the cats was found deceased upon arrival in Atlanta. No necropsy was performed and Delta stated that the kennel was loaded properly and that there were no indications of mishandling.

Delta reports the death of a guinea pig traveling from Brussels, Belgium to New York, NY. Two guinea pigs were traveling in the same kennel and one arrived deceased. The necropsy indicated that the animal’s heart suffered a cardiac anomaly resulting in blood clots.

Delta also reports the injury of a dog on a flight from Detroit, MI to San Francisco, CA. There were indications of a bruised nose. Delta indicates that there were no outward signs of damage to the kennel and that the kennel had been properly loaded. Hawaiian Air reports the death of a 2 1/2 year old bulldog on a flight from Honolulu, HI to Seattle, WA. Little additional information was provided an no mention of a cause was given.

Pet Travel Incidents by Airline during December, 2011.
Airline Losses Injuries Deaths
Alaska Airlines logo Alaska Airlines 1 0 0
Delta logo Delta 0 1 2
Hawaiian Air logo Hawaiian Air 0 0 1
Total 1 1 3

See all incidents included in the February, 2012 report.

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Source: February 2012 Air Travel Consumer Report