May 2012 Airline Pet Travel Report

The May, 2012 Airline Pet Travel Report contains pet incidents for the month of March, 2012.

Alaska Airlines reports two injuries, but for the same dog. A Pit-Bull injured itself chewing out of a kennel prior to loading on the aircraft. The dogs was returned to the owner and two days later they attempted to fly again. The dog again injured itself chewing out of a new kennel prior to boarding. The dog was returned to the owner and they did not travel.

Delta Airlines reports the injury of a 4 year-old Samoyed named Frannie. Frannie was found to have injured her mouth trying to chew out of the kennel during a stop in Minneapolis, MN. Delta provided a loaner kennel and the dog traveled on to the second stop in Portland OR. The dog attempted a second escape between Minneapolis and Portland.

Delta reports the death of a 2 year-old Pug named Oy. Oy arrived deceased in Atlanta, GA from Seattle, WA. Delta reported temperatures of 45F in Seattle and 43F in Atlanta. A necropsy was performed and the cause of death could not be determined; however the examining vet cited Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome (BAOS) as a predisposing factor.

Delta reports the injury (and temporary loss) of a 7 year-old Pointer named Dakota who was being transported from Dusseldorf Germany to Atlanta, Georgia with its owner. Dakota sustained injuries to its paws and/or snout while chewing and pawing through the wall of its kennel just prior to being loaded on the aircraft in Dusseldorf. The dog escaped from the hole in the kennel. According to the passenger, the dog was captured some days later outside the airport perimeter and is being treated for the injuries to its paws by a local vet.

Delta reports the death of a 7 year-old Manchester Terrier named Ivan. Ivan arrived deceased in Atlanta, GA from Frankfurt Germany. A necropsy of the dog indicated the dog had an undetected preexisting disease of the heart valve, endocardiosis, which compromised its ability to compensate for the stress of travel.

Delta reports the injury of a 5 year-old Shepard Spitz mix. The dog was able to escape its kennel, even though the door was secured with zip ties. The dog was quickly captured and taken to a local vet clinic where he was diagnosed with cuts to his face, legs and paws. The next day the owners attempted to fly the dog again but delta refused to transport the dog as it was chewing at the kennel and showing signs of aggression.

Delta reports the injury of a 4 year-old Pit-Bull named Maximus who injured himself escaping from his kennel. He was captured after 40 minutes. Delta notes that they accepted a kennel that did not meet their standards for transport as well as the temperature being too warm for short-noseds dogs to travel.

United Airlines reports the death of a 4 year-old Chihuahua. The dog traveled from San Antonio, TX to Huston, TX and was found to be barely breathing. Ramp agents on site immediately sought emergency treatment for the pet but it died prior to reaching the clinic. A necropsy was performed and found that pre-existing conditions likely lead to the death of the dog, including the fact that is was obese at 19 pounds.

Pet Travel Incidents by Airline during March, 2012.
Airline Losses Injuries Deaths
Alaska Airlines logo Alaska Airlines 0 2 0
Delta logo Delta 0 4 2
United Airlines logo United Airlines 0 0 1
Total 0 6 3

See all incidents included in the May, 2012 report.

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Source: May 2012 Air Travel Consumer Report