January 2007 Airline Pet Travel Report

Airline Pet Travel Report on the loss, injury, and death of pets during air travel for November, 2006. This report contains no pet losses, no pet injuries, and 1 pet death.

United airlines reports a single, unfortunate death. A 14 year old cat was discovered deceased upon arrival in Chicago from Los Angeles. The owner stated that she was not surprised as the cat has recently undergone su…

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A puppy looking at a globe

December 2006 Airline Pet Travel Report

Airline Pet Travel Report on the loss, injury, and death of pets during air travel for October, 2006. This report contains 1 pet loss, 1 pet injury, and 3 pet deaths.

American Airlines reports the death of two dogs. The first was a Boxer that was found deceased upon arrival to Las Angeles. A necropsy reveled a pre-existing heart condition. American verified that oxygen and temperat…

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November 2006 Airline Pet Travel Report

Airline Pet Travel Report on the loss, injury, and death of pets during air travel for September, 2006. This report contains 1 pet loss, 1 pet injury, and 2 pet deaths.

ATA reported the loss of a cat on a flight to Honolulu. This is the second loss in as many months that can be attributed to Worldwide Flight Services, a company that handles moving cargo and baggage on the ground.

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October 2006 Airline Pet Travel Report

Airline Pet Travel Report on the loss, injury, and death of pets during air travel for August, 2006. This report contains 2 pet losses, no pet injuries, and 5 pet deaths.

August was an unfortunately busy month for pet related air travel incident with three of the five incidents being discovered at Honolulu International.

American Airlines reported the death of a Pomeranian on a flig…

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September 2006 Airline Pet Travel Report

Airline Pet Travel Report on the loss, injury, and death of pets during air travel for July, 2006. This report contains no pet losses, 1 pet injury, and 5 pet deaths.

Four or five deaths?

The September 2006 Air Travel Consumer Report has been posted and lists two injuries and four deaths, all on Continental Airlines.

The first injury was a cat who injured itself trying to get…

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August 2006 Airline Pet Travel Report

Airline Pet Travel Report on the loss, injury, and death of pets during air travel for June, 2006. This report contains 2 pet losses, 1 pet injury, and 3 pet deaths.

Dog stolen during transport?

The August 2006 Air Travel Consumer Report which includes the airline pet travel incidents for June, 2006 contains six incidents. Continental Airlines reports one death and one injury. …

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